Statutory Public Meeting: 2107 Old Lakeshore Rd. 28 Storey Application July 7

Statutory Public Meeting Information:

Official Plan Amendment: 505-02/20
Zoning Bylaw Amendment: 520-03/20

Due to COVID-19 this Statutory Public meeting will be conducted virtually. Only the chair of the meeting, along with a clerk and audio/visual technician, will be in council chambers, with all other staff, members of council and delegations participating in the meetings remotely.

You are invited to participate in this virtual Statutory Public Meeting to consider the proposed Official Plan Amendment and zoning by-law amendment applications for 2107 Old Lakeshore Road & 2119 Lakeshore Road.

This meeting will take place on:

The City of Burlington has received applications from Old Lakeshore Burlington Inc. to re-designate and rezone the property located at 2107 Old Lakeshore Road & 2119 Lakeshore Road as shown on the sketch below.

The purpose of these applications is to support the redevelopment of the lands with a 28 storey apartment building, including mechanical penthouse, with retail/commercial uses at grade, 150 residential units above, and 150 parking spaces in five levels of underground parking.

The property is currently designated “Downtown Mixed Use Centre – Old Lakeshore Road Precinct” within the City’s Official Plan. The applicant is proposing to amend the Official Plan to allow an increase in height and to clarify that a road widening along Lakeshore Road is not required on the subject lands.

The property is currently zoned “Downtown Old Lakeshore Road (DL-A)” which permits apartment buildings up to a maximum height of 10 storeys and 31.5 metres, and a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 4.5:1 on the subject lands. The applicant is proposing an amendment to the Zoning By-law to seek relief from standards related to building height, floor area ratio, setbacks and parking.

Development rendering heading west on Lakeshore Road.

Development rendering heading west on Lakeshore Road.

How to Obtain the Staff Report:

An information report concerning the application will be available for public review on Friday June 26, 2020. This report does not include a recommendation about the application at this time. The purpose of the information report is to update all members of Council about the development proposal. 

Speaking at the Meeting:

Since this is a statutory public meeting, you do not have to register in advance in order to speak; however, if you do wish to arrange in advance to speak, please complete the online delegation registration form at or submit a written request by email to the Clerks Department at by noon the day before the meeting is to be held. All requests to delegate must contain a copy of your intended remarks which will be circulated to all members of committee in advance as a backup should any technology issues occur. Speakers are limited to a maximum of 10 minutes each and are webcasted online.

During the course of the virtual statutory public meeting, those who want to make a request to provide an oral submission are able to do so by submitting a request to the Clerks Department at In addition, a tickertape with registration information will be visible on the webcast which provides details on how submit a request.

Also, if you have presentation materials, they must be submitted to Jo-Anne Rudy, Committee Clerk, by noon the day before the meeting to allow for their distribution and review by all members of the Committee. Please note the content of all submissions is considered to be public and will be posted to the city’s website.

Future Notification:

No decisions about this application have been made yet. The staff report prepared for this public meeting does not include a recommendation on the application at this time. A recommendation report will be presented to the Community Planning, Regulation & Mobility Committee in the future. Notice of an upcoming recommendation report will be sent to the following people:

Hearing from the community members that attended the September 26th Neighbourhood Meeting

Hearing from the community members that attended the September 26th Neighbourhood Meeting

  1. Those who attended the Neighbourhood Meeting on September 26, 2019 and signed the sign-in sheet;

  2. People who submitted written comments to the Community Planning Department on the application;

  3. People who speak at this Statutory Public Meeting on July 7, 2020; and,

  4. Those who submit a request to be notified of this future meeting date.

To be added to the list of people to be kept informed about this development and upcoming meetings, or if you have questions about this application, please contact Rebecca Lau, Planner II at the phone number or email address provided on the last page of this notice.

Please note: If you do not include your name and address with written comments about the application or speak at the public meeting, you may not be able to appeal the decision of Council to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal or appear as a Party to any future Hearing about this issue. For more information about this matter, including information about preserving your appeal rights, contact Rebecca Lau, Planner II using the contact information below.

Should you wish to be notified of the Council decision to approve, refuse, or approve with modification this application, or of any subsequent Local Planning Appeal Tribunal appeal of this matter, you must submit a written request to the Clerk’s Department to the attention of Jo-Anne Rudy.

Looking for more information?

You can access the City of Burlington’s website for more information about this application. The application has its own webpage which contains additional material, including supporting studies that have been submitted by the applicant. To access the webpage for this file please go to:

Statutory Public Meeting Notice

If you have any questions about these applications, please contact the planner on file.

Rebecca Lau, MCIP RPP
Planner II, Development Review
Phone: 905-335-7600 Ext.7860

Notice of Stat Meeting.JPG
Lisa Kearns